If you would like to submit an event for the Community Calendar
please email the information to events@kmzu.com, fax it to (660) 542-0420,
or mail it to: 102 N. Mason • Carrollton, MO 64633
Please send submissions two weeks before event to ensure they are included on the calendar.
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association is inviting fifth grade students to participate in an annual poster contest. The contest will be held to celebrate Drinking Water Week May first through the seventh. The contest theme is There When You Need It. Contest entries must be postmarked or submitted electronically by April 1, 2022. Each entry should include the student’s name, teacher’s name, school’s name, address and phone number. Students also need to sign the front of the artwork. The poster can be no larger than 11 by 17 inches or a 3 MB pdf. Entries will be judged on originality, concept execution and the poster’s relation to public water supplies. Artwork should illustrate how tap water is essential to daily lives and there when needed.
Mail entries to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Director’s Office – LCSOB-4E, Attn: Tisha Holden, P.O. Box 176 in Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176. Electronic submissions should be sent to socialmedia@dnr.mo.gov. More information can be found here.